Sensitive, detailed subject matter.

Contact Neil
Neil Warner
Warner Corporate Photography
Menlo Hill, Menlo, Galway, Ireland
00 353 872596304
How we work
We believe that the best results come from understanding our clients business. That’s why we approach our projects differently to most.
We take the time to discover what your business is all about. We’ll meet with you to discuss and understand your business and the competitive landscape. We dig deep and get under the skin of what really makes the business tick.
Once we’ve gotten to heart of your business, we’ll be able to plan the best solution with you. We’ll work to your brief, but also challenge it, suggesting new ideas, approaches and concepts with one aim in mind: to deliver on your marketing communications needs.
Finally, we get the camera out and put the plan in motion. We’ll capture the images and video that not only meet the brief, but provide you with new, award-winning marketing assets.