Marketing Support Photography
Where marketing meets award winning photography and video.
Marketing Support Photography
Award Winning corporate photographer, Neil Warner FBIPP, FMPA, FIPPACr,Mqep has a strong marketing background and international experience. He was the first Irish photographer to win the Craftsman Award. He also achieved the Fellowship of the Irish Professional Photographers Association,
the Fellowship of the British Institute of Professional Photography and the Fellowship of the British Master Photographers Association.
He received his membership of the Marketing Institute of Ireland at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He received his diploma in Digital Marketing at the Western Managment centre. Neil has been Irish Professional Photographer of the Year
He secured a Kodak scholarship to study at the Harrow School of Professional Photography. Neil later secured a scholarship to study with Afga in Munich in Germany. Neil has been a member of the FujiFilm (North America) Talent Team. Neil Warner achieved his Masters (mqep) in 2008.
Neil works on projects on a nationwide basis in Ireland. He has undertaken projects in Central and Western Europe, the United States and Canada. In the last two years he has undertaken projects in locations from New York in the US to St Petersburg in Russia.

Contact Neil
Neil Warner
Warner Corporate Photography
Menlo Hill, Menlo, Galway, Ireland
00 353 872596304
Awards & Associations
In Ireland, Neil Warner has competed at the Irish national photographic awards over the past 10 years. During this time he won the title "Irish professional photographer of the year", "Architectural Photographer of the year", "Commercial photographer of the year". He is also won the title of "European Commercial photographer of the year", and "British overseas Advertising photographer of the year". He is also unique in being the only photographer to end the prestigious Towergate fine art award on three occasions. The professional photographers of America have recently awarded him the Howard Motts award for his service to American and European photography.

How we work
We believe that the best results come from understanding our clients business. That’s why we approach our projects differently to most.
We take the time to discover what your business is all about. We’ll meet with you to discuss and understand your business and the competitive landscape. We dig deep and get under the skin of what really makes the business tick.
Once we’ve gotten to heart of your business, we’ll be able to plan the best solution with you. We’ll work to your brief, but also challenge it, suggesting new ideas, approaches and concepts with one aim in mind: to deliver on your marketing communications needs.
Finally, we get the camera out and put the plan in motion. We’ll capture the images and video that not only meet the brief, but provide you with new, award-winning marketing assets.