I believe in Ireland

 Posted on March 17, 2016      by admin

Some time ago we put together this little video that celebrates the inventiveness of the Irish mind.At this time, the feast of St Patrick and the day that the world celebrates Irishness.  We would like you to look at this video and remind yourself of the power of a wonderful little country.

Ireland leads the world in inventiveness.  We are leaders in the area of biomedical technology, software development, and foodstuffs.

We are little nation with the big heart.  We have survived seven years of pain and misery.  We have paid dearly for the miscalculation of a number of greedy financial gurus.

We are on the rise again, due in no uncertain way to our inventive minds. Irish Inventive minds




Catch the Wind

 Posted on October 20, 2015      by admin

Catch the Wind( click to see video)


You never really know how things will turn out.some time ago I was commissioned to travel to northern Ireland to film a new windfarm for the electricity company.  I drove the 4 1/2 hours to the location and produced quite a nice video.

A few days later when working with my editor.  He said those dreadful words ” I think you have a problem”

And when we looked closely at the footage on his screen we could see that indeed I did have a problem.  There was a little dust on my sensor and while not very obvious was still a flaw on my images.

I phoned my client who said he had liked the video and when I mentioned the dust, he looked carefully at his laptop screen and said yes.  I think we do have a problem.

Although the dust could be cloned out during postproduction.  I felt the best thing would be to reshoot the project.

So with this in mind I drove up to Northern Ireland again.  Again it was 4 1/2 or trip giving me a nine hour return trip for the project.

As I drove north towards the town of Sligo.  I notice that the day was getting quite dull.  As I am an optimist I continued driving but the day kept on getting darker and darker.

About 20miles from the location I encountered fog.  By the time I got to the foot of the mountain.  I could hardly see the front of my car because of the very dense fog.  Because I travel so far I decided I would continue up the mountain and if necessary, sleep in the car and wait for the weather to clear.

As I drove up the mountain I emerged out of the fog into the most wonderfully blue sky. The quality of light was exceptional and I could hardly believe my eyes with such beautiful shooting conditions.

If you look at this video you will see that most of the images were framed as I would frame a still image.  Having framed each image.  I just let the wind generators provide all the movement.

After a few hours filming I had everything I needed in the can.  As I was preparing to leave the windfarm.  I looked behind me and so that the fog was creeping up the road towards me and engulfing some of the generators.

At the end of the shoot  I drove home and enjoyed every minute of the journey, realising that we had done the honourable thing by offering to reshoot the project and were rewarded with a magnificent day and a great shooting opportunity.

Enjoy the video.


Neil Warner