Catch the Wind

 Posted on October 20, 2015      by admin

Catch the Wind( click to see video)


You never really know how things will turn out.some time ago I was commissioned to travel to northern Ireland to film a new windfarm for the electricity company.  I drove the 4 1/2 hours to the location and produced quite a nice video.

A few days later when working with my editor.  He said those dreadful words ” I think you have a problem”

And when we looked closely at the footage on his screen we could see that indeed I did have a problem.  There was a little dust on my sensor and while not very obvious was still a flaw on my images.

I phoned my client who said he had liked the video and when I mentioned the dust, he looked carefully at his laptop screen and said yes.  I think we do have a problem.

Although the dust could be cloned out during postproduction.  I felt the best thing would be to reshoot the project.

So with this in mind I drove up to Northern Ireland again.  Again it was 4 1/2 or trip giving me a nine hour return trip for the project.

As I drove north towards the town of Sligo.  I notice that the day was getting quite dull.  As I am an optimist I continued driving but the day kept on getting darker and darker.

About 20miles from the location I encountered fog.  By the time I got to the foot of the mountain.  I could hardly see the front of my car because of the very dense fog.  Because I travel so far I decided I would continue up the mountain and if necessary, sleep in the car and wait for the weather to clear.

As I drove up the mountain I emerged out of the fog into the most wonderfully blue sky. The quality of light was exceptional and I could hardly believe my eyes with such beautiful shooting conditions.

If you look at this video you will see that most of the images were framed as I would frame a still image.  Having framed each image.  I just let the wind generators provide all the movement.

After a few hours filming I had everything I needed in the can.  As I was preparing to leave the windfarm.  I looked behind me and so that the fog was creeping up the road towards me and engulfing some of the generators.

At the end of the shoot  I drove home and enjoyed every minute of the journey, realising that we had done the honourable thing by offering to reshoot the project and were rewarded with a magnificent day and a great shooting opportunity.

Enjoy the video.


Neil Warner










Heroes of the Storm

 Posted on February 27, 2014      by admin


It’s not often you get a chance to work with real heroes. Over the past few weeks, Ireland and the UK have been wrecked by a whole series of powerful storms. More than 150,000 homes in Ireland lost electrical supply. Continue reading “Heroes of the Storm”